Victory Church
30 Year Anniversary
October 13, 2024

30 Year Anniversary

October 13, 2024

30 Year Anniversary


Life is a journey, not a destination!

Always learning, always growing, always changing.

Helping people become who God created them to be.

My heart for you:

Born Again

Spirit Baptized

Connect with others

Serve others

This has been my life.

Proverbs 16:3 (AMP)

Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed.

Psalms 37:4 (NKJV)

Delight yourself also in the LORD,

And He shall give you the desires of your heart.

I gave my life back to Jesus Sept. 12, 1976, and received the BWTHS.

For my entire adult life, I have walked with God.

I was religious, I did not know God when I was young.

The Word of God transformed my life.

I was called to ministry in February of 1977.

Bible School, Marriage

I have been in ministry since October of 1981.

I actually started ministry OUT of the will of God. I was an associate pastor of a church in my home town after graduating from Rhema.

I found out during that time that God will bless His Word even though you may be out of place while preaching it.

Everything in life is a learning experience! I learned how to preach during that time.

I ministered healing to people with the laying on of hands; I preached every Sunday night.

I helped people receive the Baptism With The Holy Spirit.

We moved back to Tulsa in 1982.

I became a janitor at Grace Church after moving back, and eventually in 1984 I was promoted to the pastoral staff team doing personal ministry for the pastor.

That was my apprenticeship in ministry!

I learned the value of having a personal time with Jesus.

I learned the value of prayer.

I learned a lot about myself and how loving our Father is to us.

I learned a lot about people and how to deal with them.

I learned to believe the best in people.

I learned the importance of faithfulness and personal integrity.

1988 – Pioneering

In 1988, Susan and I, with two children and one on the way, moved to Mullins SC and started New Life Fellowship.

After a year and a half, I turned the church over to another pastor.

1990 – Traveling ministry.

Susan and I traveled for 2 years. I started a small business on the side to earn money to take care of my family.

1992 – Associate Pastor

In 1992, I became associate pastor of Abundant Life in my hometown, Florence, SC

In 1993 – I pastored Abundant Life Church in Florence, SC for the entire year while Carl Morris took his family to Lieopaja, Latvia for one year to start a church.

In November of 1993, I was praying and heard the words – already existing church – and knew that my next ministry move would be to take over an already existing church.

May 16th, 1994, I told Carl Morris, who had come back from Latvia, that there was a church somewhere that has no pastor and I am that pastor to take it over. That was the very day that this church lost its pastor.

The 2nd Sunday of October in 1994, I became pastor here.

God gave me a verse of scripture just for me:

Luke 16:10-12 (NKJV)

He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much. 11 Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? 12 And if you have not been faithful in what is another man’s, who will give you what is your own?

The Lord found me faithful in Tulsa.

I was faithful in starting the church in Mullins.

I was faithful in the traveling ministry.

I was faithful over another man’s church.

Now, I have been here for 30 years.

Helping people become who God created them to be,

My heart for you.

Born Again

Spirit Baptized

Connection with others

Serve others


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