Victory Church
The Spirit of Truth (part 8) Ten Reasons Every Believer Should Pray in Tongues (part 2)
November 14, 2021

The Spirit of Truth (part 8) Ten Reasons Every Believer Should Pray in Tongues (part 2)

November 14, 2021

The Spirit of Truth (part 8)

Ten Reasons Every Believer Should Pray in Tongues (part 2)



John 16:13-15 (NLT)

When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. 14 He will tell you about the future. He will bring me glory by telling you whatever he receives from me. 15 All that belongs to the Father is mine; this is why I said, ‘The Spirit will tell you whatever he receives from me.’

Acts 1:4-5 (NKJV)

And being assembled together with them, He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the Promise of the Father, “which,” He said, “you have heard from Me; 5 for John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.”

Notice Acts 1:8 (NKJV)

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.


1. September 12 – Deception

2. September 19 – People will be looking for all kinds of ways to deal with their pressure or “pain.”

3. September 26 – Repentance

4. October 3 – A Coach And A Partner

5. October 17 – The Baptism With The Holy Spirit (1)

6. October 24 – The Baptism With the Holy Spirit (2)

On September 12, I celebrated my 45th year of Spirit-filled living.

On September 12th, 1976, at 7:20 pm, after rededicating my life back to Jesus that morning, I received the Baptism with the Holy Spirit.

The Baptism with the Holy Spirit changed my life forever! And this experience will forever change yours too if you will yield to it!

The Baptism with the Holy Spirit came to the church on the Day of Pentecost, and has been available to us ever since.

3 supernatural things happen when you’re baptized with the Holy Spirit.

Supernatural Witness

Supernatural Understanding of the Word

Supernatural way to pray


We talked about the 4 places in the book of Acts where the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is mentioned, and how to personally receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit.

Today we will continue: 10 Reasons Every Believer Should Pray in Tongues Every Day.

I encourage you to listen with an open mind to this subject. What I am sharing has changed who I am and how I live! And made Jesus so much more real!

16,481 days of exercising this beautiful language has revolutionized my life!

(We covered 3) on October 31

We never live beyond our prayer life…

1. It is God’s Will for every believer to pray in tongues or in the spirit.

2. It helps unseat the control the unrenewed natural mind exerts over your spiritual life.

3. It provides a way for you to pray about things you don’t know about.

1 Corinthians 14:2 (AMPC)

For one who speaks in an [unknown] tongue speaks not to men but to God, for no one understands or catches his meaning, because in the [Holy] Spirit he utters secret truths and hidden things [not obvious to the understanding].


1 Corinthians 2:11

For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.

4. Provides a way to charge yourself up spiritually.

1 Corinthians 14:4

He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church.


Jude 20

But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit,

We all need to be charged up spiritually so we can face all of the negatives around us.

Car battery is charged by alternator.

Before I preach, I pray in the spirit.

Getting ready for everyday.

5. It provides a way to be refreshed spiritually.


Isaiah 28:11-12

For with stammering lips and another tongue He will speak to this people, 12 To whom He said, “This is the rest with which You may cause the weary to rest,” And, “This is the refreshing”; Yet they would not hear.

6. It magnifies God in your life.


Acts 10:46

For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God.

Makes Him bigger than all the opposing thoughts, feelings, and circumstances around you.

Keeps you aware of His presence inside.

7. It provides a way to offer praise and thanksgiving to God.

1 Corinthians 14:16-17

Otherwise, if you bless with the spirit, how will he who occupies the place of the uninformed say “Amen” at your giving of thanks, since he does not understand what you say? 17 For you indeed give thanks well, but the other is not edified.


8. It helps you control your tongue!

James 3:2 (NLT)

Indeed, we all make many mistakes. For if we could control our tongues, we would be perfect and could also control ourselves in every other way.

Matthew 12:34-37 (NLT)

You brood of snakes! How could evil men like you speak what is good and right? For whatever is in your heart determines what you say. 35 A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. 36 And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak. 37 The words you say will either acquit you or condemn you.”


9. It provides a way to pray God’s perfect will.


Romans 8:26-27

Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27 Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

Romans 8:28 (NLT)

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

Romans 8:28 (AMPC)

We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.


10. It provides a doorway for other spiritual gifts to manifest in your life.

When you pray in tongues, your spirit, motivated by the Holy Spirit, is praying. Because praying in tongues makes you more aware of the Holy Spirit living in you, you will find a greater manifestation of other spiritual gifts after a season of praying in tongues.


God wants to use every believer in the simple gift of prophecy. (1 Cor. 14:1,5,9). Praying in tongues is the best way to stir up that gift.

Action Points:

To receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit, you must be a born-again Christian. You can receive alone or with someone ministering to you.

1. To receive alone:

Luke 11:11-13 (NKJV)

If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? 12 Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? 13 If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!

In faith, pray and ask the Father to baptize you with the Holy Spirit.

Father, thank you for saving me from my sins and making me a child of God. As your child, I ask you to baptize me with the Holy Spirit, from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet, fill me with the Holy Spirit now. I believe that I will speak with other tongues as the Holy Spirit enables me, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lift your hands to the Lord in thanksgiving, take a deep breath and open your mouth and begin to speak in the language the Holy Spirit gives you from deep within you.

2. To receive with some help:

Call or email our offices and ask for an appointment with Pastor Mitch or another staff member. (Phone – 919-779-5180; Email –

3.To receive today or during a service:

Come down front at the close of the service and ask to be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Pastor Mitch or a staff team member will pray with you today.


Objections Answered


1. Not all who are baptized in the Holy Spirit will speak with other tongues…

1 Corinthians 12:30Do all speak with tongues…some say this infers that not all will speak with tongues…


There are two different uses of tongues… devotional and public (tongues and interpretation).


Same in essence, different in usage.


This verse is saying that not all will be used in tongues and interpretation in public assembly.


Yet all who are baptized in the Holy Spirit should expect to speak in their private devotional life.


2. Other tongues was just for the day of Pentecost to witness to the other nations present.

8 years, 10 years, 25 years after Pentecost they spoke with tongues, too.


3. This experience was only for the early church.

Acts 2:38-39


Paul said I had rather speak five words with my understanding that I with my voice might teach others than 10,000 words in an unknown tongue. (1 Cor. 14:19)





4. To receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit, it is not necessary to speak with tongues.

To receive the BIBLE experience, you want to do what they did – they spoke with tongues.


No Bible examples of people receiving without speaking in tongues…


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